The KS1.2 includes the following TCs: TC7.4.1 KYKLOS 4.0 Front End, TC6.4.1 Web 3D Modelling Component, TC4.3.1 Rapid Prototyping Module, TC9.5.1 KYKLOS 4.0 Product Refurbishment Certification, TC4.4.1 LCA Simulations Engine, TC4.5.1 PLM Module, TC4.1.1 Deep Learning Toolkit.

The KYKLOS 4.0 service KS1.2 led by TWI supports both the customer and the product designer. The service helps the customer to provide specific requirements of an individual fully customized product. On the other hand, the product designer can convert the requirements defined by the customer into individualized product specifications and complete a customer-oriented design for AM product. In this way, the design process runs efficiently and smoothly, which represents savings in time and cost.


The KS1.2 is currently in use in PROMEDICARE use case. KS1.2 contributes to the improvement of PROMEDICARE’s production and circularity KPIs through the following:

  • Reduction of mistakes due to better support and guidance for the dealer and thank to high level of precision.
  • The customized wheelchair prototype is successfully designed using agile and advanced manufacturing design techniques which provide:
    • Lead time for custom production: Improved time to production by accelerating design time.
    • The main successful criterion is that the final product is better fitted as for indication of the dealer.
    • Resource optimization by using better the resources, reducing waste and reducing energy consumption.
  • It is now easier to reach customers who are far from the manufacturing company using a web platform instead of paper forms.

KS1.2 targets mainly SMEs and other organizations in mass markets that follow a make-to-order production paradigm, MaaS companies that employ AM, Research Institutes, and other, for applications such as in health (personalized orthotics, medical devices, etc.), consumer goods (personalized products), sports (personalized sports equipment), food and beverages industry, and repair and refurbishment industry.


Based on the NPV of KS1.2, the estimated price of the full service is €200.000. In case you are interested in the provision of KS1.2, the owners shall, on a case-by-case basis, agree on the terms and conditions of the agreement to offer you with the full service or part of it.



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